It’s okay to not be okay

Tech Revolvica
4 min readMay 19, 2021
It’s okay

The human brain is remarkable and astounding but it is also the most intricate and complex part of our body. Modern science has just come forth to decipher how it works let alone comprehend what happens when there are actual complications within the brain. Isn’t it quite bizarre to think that this 3-pound organ which resembles a walnut can be so troublesome and can invoke such a stir in one’s life?

About Mental Health

Mental illness is the most common problem encountered by the population of all around the world momentarily. Mental health issue is a general term for a group of illnesses that can affect a person’s thinking, perceptions, mood or behavior and can make it difficult for that person to manage work, relationships or anything else going on in his/her life. Namely, a few of these maladies are depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, PTSD and suicidal thoughts. These disorders affect one in every four people. Statistically even if we only consider India, over 90 million people, or 7.5 percent of the country’s population, suffer from some form of mental disorder, according to the World Health Organization.


Despite the fact that it is extensively seen everywhere around us it’s still one of the most neglected and stigmatized subjects in our society. People around us have the misconception that mental illness either doesn’t exist or the people in distress can snap out of it according to their will. Everybody loves to go to the annual galas, gatherings, rallies and fundraisers to support cancer, diabetes and other physical ailments but such support is never procured by the people who are mentally ill. If we talk on a larger scale, even though our country is the world’s fifth largest economy, the government has spent only 0.05 percent of its health budget annually on mental health over the last few years, much lower than even the average spending of low-income countries, which comes to about 0.5 percent of their healthcare budgets. Further, India has 9,000 psychiatrists, or just one doctor for every 100,000 people. The desirable number of psychiatrists is three for every 100,000 people. This means India has a shortage of 18,000 mental health doctors.


The reason behind this is the fact that that physical disorders are tangible whereas mental maladies are not. Along with that, the way these issues are depicted in the movies impact the mindset of a massive audience. Usually we watch movies about a madman and his transgressions, with the underlying cause of mental illness. We sometimes even make jokes about people being crazy or nuts, even though we know it is erroneous. Also the lack of awareness amongst people adds to the stereotypes and prejudices. People fail to realizes that mental health issue has an alarming effect even on our country’s economy. About 42.5% of the employees in the private sector of corporate India are a victim of depression or some form anxiety disorder, which is almost every second person and an ample of them face partisanship at work. The World Health Organization estimates that India will suffer economic losses amounting to a staggering 1.03 trillion dollars from mental health conditions between 2012 and 2030.

Need of the hour

If something can cause a shift so significant, shouldn’t we start addressing or at least acknowledging it? In India, mental health issues are even bigger taboo than in the West. The stigmas fastened with mental illnesses ensure that people bite their tongue and stay as quite as a mouse instead of speaking out. Moreover because these issues are looked down upon and seen as a weakness, sufferers avoid accepting the fact that they need help and finally end up resorting to themselves, trying to get some time alone to clear their heads. But they don’t realize when this me time turns to completely alienating oneself, that’s when the mental ailment begin to overpower.

Our role in this

So what can we as a community do? If you suffer from any of these mental health issues avoid isolating yourself and talk to any of your friends or family members who you feel comfortable with. If not friends you can get into therapy or contact a psychiatrist.

The popular American actress — Glenn Close had accurately quoted “What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation”.


So don’t care what others think and do what’s best for you.

If a friend or a person in your family goes through any of these disorders you will probably observe a change in their mood and behavior even before they do. You can start off by building a safe and sound environment where they can open up about their feelings. Also you can gradually strengthen your bond and become a source of positivity, connection and growth. Even if they don’t talk be persistent and shower them with the love and care that they deserve, show them how valuable and worthy they are. No matter how difficult the situation gets don’t give up on them because helping one person might not change the world, but it could definitely change the entire world of that person.

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Tech Revolvica

Tech Revolvica is a student start-up of engineers and explorers. We share a common vision of Inspire and Exposure to one and all who seek it.